Congress "El català, llengua de cohesió a la Mediterrània (s. XIII.XVIII)"
Next Wednesday, 11th December, will take place at Institut d'Estudis Catalans, the congress "El català, llengua de cohesió a la Mediterrània (s. XIII.XVIII)" organized by Flocel Sabaté, Institut d'Estudis Catalans and Union Academique, and with the collaboration of our research group.
Campus Iberus Doctoral Seminar
Last week (24-25 October), our PhD researchers, Sergi Tella, Núria Preixens, Sergi Rexach and Sara Ubach, participated in the annual Campus Iberus Doctoral Seminar. This year, the seminar took place in Lleida and the title was "Frontera, identidades e intercambio social ¿Cómo investigar hoy?".
As part of the training plan for the programme's doctoral students, a two-day seminar is organised every year in October/November. The venue is chosen on a rotating basis among the four universities responsible for the PhD programme in Patrimonio, Sociedades y Espacios de Frontera.
Renowned specialists will speak at the seminar, and there will also be sessions in which young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work. Nuria Preixens presented her research "Pobreza y gasto: gestión de los recursos en la Almoina de Lleida".
European Researchers' Night 2024
Members of our research group participated at the European Researchers' Night (Friday, 20 September 2024). We participated in this event in the following activities:
Poster "Menjar a l'Edat Mitjana. Com? On? Qui?" by Nuria Preixens; poster "La jurisdicció eclesiàstica com a mecanisme identitari del clergat" by Sergi Rexach; workshop "Investigar les identitats a l'Edat Mitjana. Una mirada des de Catalunya i la Corona d'Aragó" by Rogerio R. Tostes, Sergi Tella, Carlos Crespo and Sara Ubach. All of them presented the research they are carrying out in the framework of the project "Collective identities and group solidarities in the late Middle Ages" (PID2022-136257NB-I00).
Presentation of the project "ROMTUR-Innovación digital para poner en valor patrimonio románico poco conocido e impulsar el desarrollo turístico de zonas poco dinamizadas" (EFA065/01 INTERREG POCTEFA) at the EUROPE'S CORNER, by Rogerio R. Tostes and Gemma Carnisé.
The experience was good and we were satisfied with our participation.