A new edition of XIII Jornades d'Història del Monestir de les Avellanes "Hospitalitat, Caritat i Assistència als Monestirs Medievals" will be held on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July 2024 in Monestir de les Avellanes (Os de Balaguer).

Registration: medieval@historia.udl.cat


The 12th edition of the congress International Medieval Meeting Lleida took place on 5, 6 and 7 June 2024. The IMMLleida team would like to thank all who attended the 12th IMMLleida and who helped to make the conference such a huge success!

The Interreg Poctefa Programme granted the project ROMTUR

The Interreg Poctefa Programme granted the project ROMTUR-(Innovación digital para poner en valor patrimonio románico poco conocido e impulsar el desarrollo turístico de zonas poco dinamizadas. 

The ROMTUR project takes on the challenge of promoting, through innovative digital tools, 55 little-known Romanesque monuments in the eastern regions of the Pyrenees with the aim of revitalising areas that are poorly promoted for tourism and turning them into attractive destinations to help boost their sustainable socio-economic development.

The results will increase artistic and historical knowledge, benefit tourism activity as a whole in the eastern regions of the Pyrenees, improve their attractiveness as a cultural destination, contribute to deseasonalisation and boost their resilience in the face of the imminent climate changes that will alter nature tourism resources.

This project brings together a multidisciplinary team of specialists from the following institutions: Universitat de Lleida (lead partner), Université Perpignan Via Domitia, Universitat de Barcelona, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, TURALCAT-Confederació Turisme Rural i Agroturisme de Catalunya, CCI Pyrénées Orientales and Office de Tourisme Aspres-Thuir.