"An analysis of the role of legal norms and principles of functioning of political organisms in shaping the cohesion of multi-ethnic societies"

Event information
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Divide et impera? Legal norms and political activities influencing multi-ethnic societies,

(Wrocław, 21-22.02.2019)


Thursday, 21.02.2019

16.30 – registration

16.45 – Welcome


Ethnicity and politically charged narratives

Przemysław Wiszewski (University of Wroclaw), Ethnic differences, political identification and legal-economic background of cohesion of social groups in 13th-14th c. Silesia

Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu (University of Alba Julia), Relationship between the Saxons, the Hungarian nobility and the Szeklers in the late 14th and 15th centuries (working title)

Luciano Gallinari (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea), Culture and Faith as main bonding forces of a multi-ethnic society? The historical manipulation in Modern Age Sardinia (16th - 17th centuries)


19.00 - Dinner




Law and Order

Daniel Bagi (University of Pecs), The so called Cuman law of the 13th century in Hungary

Paula Pinto-Costa, Joana Lencart (University of Porto), Law and ethnical minorities. Portugal (12th - 16th centuries)

Aivaras Poška (Lithuanian Institute of History), The Magdeburg law and its effect on the development of Jews’ legal status in the towns of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The influence of Experience of 14th-16th centuries


11.00-11.30 - Coffee



Divide and rule? Ethnicity and internal policies

Andrzej Pleszczyński (UMCS, Lublin), Factors integrating and disintegrating the communities of Ruthenia after its incorporation into the Kingdom of Poland - selected problems

Grzegorz Myśliwski (University of Warsaw), Rulers and ethnic communities in the selected cities of the Polish lands and the neighbouring regions (13th – the mid–16th cents)

Endre Sashalmi (University of Pecs), Relations between Russians and Other Ethnic/ Religious Groups in the Mirror of the Muscovite Law Code of 1649


13.30-14.30 Lunch


Jews – ethnic minority of special status?

Isabel Grifoll (Lleida University), Politics, culture and education of the Jewish communities: from al-Andalus to the Crown of Aragon

Jurgita Verbickienė (Vilnius University), Economical Competition between Christian Burgers and Jews: modeling of Jewish economic activity through restrictions for Jewish merchants and craftsmen’s in the towns of Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Dovilė Troskovaitė (Vilnius University), Economic competition among Jewish communities in Early Modern Grand Duchy of Lithuania: nature, forms, and solutions.


16.15-16.45 Coffee



Ethnic Diversities Between Law and Life

Flocel Sabbate Curull (Lleida University), Hate, anger and cohesion (Catalonia, Late Middle Ages)

Maria Bonet (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona), Legal texts for discrimination and ethnic-religious segregation in medieval Southern Catalonia

Joanna Wojdon (University of Wrocław), The impact of the US immigration laws on American ethnic groups (as seen through the Polish lenses).

Michihiro Yasui (Tokiwa Junior College), The Role of mediator in building solidarity of national minorities : the Jews and the European Nationalities Congress 1925-1933


18.45-19.00 Conclusions



