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Imago Temporis Medium Aevum was founded in 2007 by the Consolidated Medieval Studies Research Group ‘Space, Power and Culture’ of Lleida University. Its aim is to contribute to the renewal of research on the medieval period by fostering the interdisciplinary and collaborative perspective.
- To understand medieval society in a global and overarching way, beyond current academic divisions, by publishing previously unpublished research articles covering different fields within Medieval Studies.
- Each issue of the journal dedicates 4 articles to reflecting about how to research into the Middle Ages. This is the first part of the journal, titled “The past interrogated and unmasked”, devoted to articles that analyse methodologies, methods, and historiographical tendencies
- Each issue of the journal dedicates 9 articles to unpublished scientific contributions. This is the second part, called “The past studied and measured”, with nine articles per issue), devoted to articles which analyse aspects of any area of the medieval past through previously unpublished sources.
- Each issue of the journal dedicates 2 articles to analysing the ways and forms of dissemination and transfer of the knowledge about the Middle Ages to the wider society. This is the third part, titled “The past explained and recreated”, which analyses all aspects related to the teaching and dissemination of the Middle Ages, whether in university classes, museums, media, videogames or any other means in today’s society.
- The journal is published once annually within the corresponding year of each issue. It is published simultaneously in paper and electronically in free access.
- Article processing-charges: the publication cost are covered by the journal, so authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge.
Good publishing practices in gender equality
- The scientific and editorial boards establish an equal percentage of women and men, around 50% in each case.
- More than 40% of the peer-reviewers of the articles are, in each edition as a whole, female. This percentage is published in each issue.
- The formal review process of all the articles prior to their publication, includes a specific review and verification that they are written in inclusive language.
- In the case of authors with two surnames from their paternal and maternal lineages, the journal mentions both except where the author expresses otherwise.
- The authors are recommended to take into account possible differences due to gender in the results of their work whenever the source data of their research so allows.
1.- The journal places great emphasis on a global approach and, consequently, on the promotion of internationalisation. In order to maintain a geographical balance, we seek to ensure that no more than half the articles published in any issue are from the same country.
2.- To facilitate the journal’s internationalisation, English has been chosen as the common academic language. All articles are therefore published in English.
3.- If an article was originally written in another language and subsequently translated into English, the journal will publish, as well as the English version, the original version of the text (set apart in an appendix), if requested by the author. This will ensure the maximum accuracy of the original text and the language employed.
4.- All articles are accompanied by an abstract and keywords. In order to reflect the lingua franca of both the present and the period under consideration, all keywords are published in two languages, English and Latin.
Review system and plagiarism
1.- In order to ensure that a rigorous level of quality is maintained, all articles submitted for consideration are subject to blind peer review by at least two leading experts who are not part of the editorial board of the journal.
2.- If necessary, after each article has been evaluated, dialogue will be established between the authors and the editorial board in order to make sure that no article is accepted for publication until it meets the qualitative requirements specified by the referees.
3.- In any case, no text containing any elements of plagiarism or fraud, even partial, will be accepted. The journal will use technical and human resources to warn about and prevent these situations.
Visibility and quality control
1.- The journal is submitted to various external agents who evaluate the quality of scientific journals in the humanities.
2.- In order to promote the dissemination of the published articles, the editors of the journal pledge to endeavour continually to enhance the journal’s visibility in data bases, indexations and quality assessment bodies. The website and each issue of the journal specifies which of those indicators are guaranteed to reference the journal and the articles published in it.
3.- The editorial board, which consists of members of the Research Group that endorses the journal, together with external scholars, is responsible for accomplishing the journal’s objectives and qualitative standards. The scientific board, which consists of outstanding foreign scholars, ensures that the journal maintains the highest academic standards in all aspects at all times. The members of this committee are changed periodically, so that no member forms part of the board for more than ten issues.