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Download PdfIdentity in the Middle Ages. Approaches from Southwestern Europe
Identity in the Middle Ages. Approaches from Southwestern Europe
Edited by Flocel Sabaté
ARC Humanity Press, 2021
ISBN: 9781641892582
e-ISBN: 9781641892599
This book places identity at the centre of a project to better understand medieval society. By exploring the multiplicity of personal identities, the ways in which these were expressed within particular social structures (such as feudalism), and their evolution into formal expressions of collective identity (municipalities, guilds, nations, and so on) we can shed new light on the Middle Ages. A specific legacy of such developments was that by the end of the Middle Ages, a sense of national identity, supported by the late medieval socio-economic structure, backed in law and by theological, philosophical, and political thought, defined society. What is more, social structures coalesced across diverse elements, including language, group solidarities, and a set of assumed values.
Source: ARC Humanities Press
Memory in the Middle Ages. Approaches from Southwestern Europe
Memory in the Middle Ages. Approaches from Southwestern Europe
Edited by Flocel Sabaté
Amsterdam University Press, 2020
ISBN: 9781641892629
e-ISBN: 9781641892636
Memory was vital to the functioning of the medieval world. People in medieval societies shared an identity based on commonly held memories. Religions, rulers, and even cities and nations justified their existence and their status through stories that guaranteed their deep and unbroken historical roots.
The studies in this interdisciplinary collection explore how manifestations of memory can be used by historians as a prism through which to illuminate European medieval thought and value systems. The contributors draw the link between memory and medieval science, management of power, and remembrance of the dead ancestors through examples from southern Europe as a means of enriching and complicating our study of the Middle Ages; this is a region with a large amount of documentation but which to date has not been widely studied.
This book has two companion volumes, dealing with the allied concepts of memory and identity as part of a larger project that seeks to map and interrogate the significance of all three allied concepts in the Middle Ages in the West.
Source: Amsterdam University Press
Ideology in the Middle Ages. Approaches from Southwestern Europe
Ideology in the Middle Ages. Approaches from Southwestern Europe
Edited by Flocel Sabaté
Amsterdam University Press, 2019
ISBN: 9781641892605
Part of a trilogy involving research on identity and memory also, this substantial volume sets out to illuminate medieval thought through an in-depth and highly interdisciplinary study of ideology, interrogating the underlying values that inform the interpretive framework through which we might better understand men and women of the Middle Ages.
An introductory chapter situates the Christian Church in the West as a framing ideology of the Middle Ages, analysing Christianity as a coherent narrative providing people with security through its integrated explanation of physical surroundings, social order, and spiritual hope. The book then goes on to consider ideology from four angles: as a means of defining power; as a way of managing power; ideology in the mind as an influence on daily living and how we understand societies; and finally, the ways in which ideology associated with the Middle Ages has exerted influence centuries later, conditioning understandings of past and present.
The individual chapters focus on concrete cases, giving preference to exemplars from southern Europe, a region with a large amount of documentation but which to date has occupied a relatively minor position in research into the Middle Ages. It is this emphasis that is acknowledged in the title of this book, Ideology in the Middle Ages: Approaches from Southwestern Europe, which is offered as a means of enriching and complicating study of the Middle Ages.
This book has two companion volumes, dealing with the allied concepts of memory and identity as part of a larger project that seeks to map and interrogate the significance of all three allied concepts in the Middle Ages in the West.
Source: Amsterdam University Press
Late Gothic Painting in the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic Kingdoms
Late Gothic Painting in the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic Kingdoms (Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe)
Edited by Alberto Velasco and Francesc Fité
Leiden, 2018
ISBN: 978-90-04-36384-7
This book aims to analyze the genesis and evolution of late Gothic painting in the Crown of Aragon and the rest of the Hispanic kingdoms, examining this phenomenon in relation to the whole context of Europe in the second half of the fifteenth century. The authors consider the influence of the Flemish primitive movement on the art produced by their Spanish colleagues, the artistic relations and interchanges with the Netherlands and other countries, and the introduction and development of the Flemish language in the Spanish lands. The book also examines altarpieces, considering topics such as changes in shape and structure and liturgical links, along with offering stylistic analyses supported by new technologies.
Contributors are Joan Aliaga, Maria Antonia Argelich, Marc Ballesté, Judith Berg Sobré, Carme Berlabé, Eduardo Carrero, Ximo Company, Francesca Español, Francesc Fité, Montserrat Jardí, Nicola Jennings, Fernando Marías, Didier Martens, Isidre Puig, Nuria Ramón, Pedro José Respaldiza, Stefania Rusconi, Tina Sabater, Albert Sierra, Pilar Silva, Lluïsa Tolosa, Alberto Velasco, and Joaquín Yarza (†). Source: Brill
Medieval Territories
Medieval territories
Edited by Flocel Sabaté and Jesús Brufal
Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018
ISBN (10): 1-5275-0795-5
ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-0795-1
The Crown of Aragon
The Crown of Aragon. A singular Mediterranean Empire
Edited by Flocel Sabaté
Leiden, 2017
ISBN (13): 9789004349605
E-ISBN: 9789004349612
Medieval urban identity
Medieval urban identity. Health, economy and regulation
Edited by Flocel Sabaté
Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015
ISBN (10): 1-4438-7785-9
ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-7785-5
Life and religion in the Middle Ages
Life and religion in the Middle Ages
Edited by Flocel Sabaté
Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015
ISBN (10): 1-4438-7790-5
ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-7790-9
Power and rural communities in al-Andalus
Power and rural communities in al-Andalus. Ideological and material representations
Edited by Adela Fábregas and Flocel Sabaté
Turnhout, 2015
ISBN: 978-2-503-55342-9
Reconnaître et délimiter l'espace localement au Moyen Âge
Reconnaître et délimiter l'espace localement au Moyen Âge. Limites et frontières I
Nacima Baron, Stéphane Boissellier, François Clément, Flocel Sabaté (dir.)
Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2016
ISBN : 978-2-7574-1372-2
ISSN: 1284-5655
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
Ériger et borner diocèses et principautés au Moyen Âge
Ériger et borner diocèses et principautés au Moyen Âge. Limites et frontières II
Nacima Baron, Stéphane Boissellier, François Clément, Flocel Sabaté (dir.)
Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2017
ISBN : 978-2-7574-1633-4
ISSN: 1284-5655
Anàlisis històrica de la identitat catalana
Anàlisis històrica de la identitat catalana
Flocel Sabaté (dir.)
Barcelona, 2015
ISBN : 978-84-9965-262-7
Braga and its territory between the fifth and the fifteenth centuries
Braga and its territory between the fifth and the fifteenth centuries
Raquel Martínez Peñín (ed.)
Lleida, 2015
ISBN : 978-84-8409-750-1
El mercat de Balaguer. Una cruïlla
Morphologie et identité sociale dans la ville médiévale hispanique
Morphologie et identité sociale dans la ville médiévale hispanique
Christian Guilleré, Flocel Sabaté (dir.)
Chambéry, 2012
ISBN : 978-2-915797-70-1
ISSN: 1771-6195
L'Edat Mitjana. Món real i espai imaginat
L'Edat Mitjana. Món real i espai imaginat
Flocel Sabaté (coord.)
Catarroja, 2012
ISBN : 978-84-92542-59-8
Cristianos y judíos en contacto en la Edad Media: Polémica, conversión, dinero y convivencia
Cristianos y judíos en contacto en la Edad Media: Polémica, conversión, dinero y convivencia
Claude Denjean, Flocel Sabaté (eds.)
Lleida, 2009
ISBN : 978-84-9743-298-6